Archives for: November 6th, 2017

Volunteering at Migrant Children’s Foundation

Written by The Beijing Center on November 6, 2017

Jesuit education is all about giving back, and The Beijing Center is no exception. A few weeks ago, a few of my classmates and I had the wonderful opportunity to volunteer at a school run by Migrant Children’s Foundation, in a less touristy neighborhood in Beijing. When we arrived, we were immediately surrounded by children…

Living with a Chinese roommate

Written by The Beijing Center on September 28, 2017

By Almudena R., Loyola University Chicago, TBC Fall 2017 Student *Scroll down to read in Spanish* Living with a Chinese roommate As we approach our month mark of living in Beijing, there are many things I’m grateful for that TBC has provided to make the experience of studying in another country comfortable. What I’m most…

Adjusting In China

Written by The Beijing Center on September 26, 2017

September 26, 2017 – originally posted on By Liz Maginn, Xavier University, TBC Fall 2017 Student It’s been a few weeks into classes and I can say that I have pretty much adjusted to the unusual ways of China’s living. This has been no easy feat. Culture shock is a real thing, and it happens to…

Favorite Foods with Father Gene: Ibero-Latino Night

Written by The Beijing Center on September 25, 2017

On Friday, resident Jesuit Father Gene invited nine students to his apartment to cook and eat delicious Ibero-Latino food. It was a very fun night in which we shared laughs, spices, recipes, and stories about our first month in China. To get the ingredients for the dishes, we went to South Market right next to…

Beginnings in Beijing

Written by The Beijing Center on September 11, 2017

By Almudena R., Loyola University Chicago, TBC Fall 2017 Student *Scroll down to read in Spanish* Beginnings in Beijing I’ve been in China for almost a month. And I’ve never been happier. I keep saying it to everyone I know, but I cannot help it. I feel like I’m flying, moving through my days with…

Preparing for Beijing

Written by The Beijing Center on August 12, 2017

By Tyler L., Le Moyne College, TBC Fall 2017 Student Preparing for Beijing Have you ever thought about traveling abroad, or even studying abroad? The chance of a lifetime at your doorstep and all you have to do is open the door. In the fall of 2017, I will be opening the door, grabbing my…

Before the Adventure Starts

Written by The Beijing Center on July 18, 2017

By Almudena R., Loyola University Chicago, TBC Fall 2017 Student Before the Adventure Starts As I prepare to go abroad to Beijing next semester, I feel a wide array of emotions: excitement, hope, happiness, gratitude, and nervousness. I made the choice to study in The Beijing Center my first semester studying at Loyola University Chicago….

Choosing China

Written by The Beijing Center on July 18, 2017

By Vukica E., Loyola University Chicago, TBC Fall 2017 Student Choosing China One day as I am sitting in class, I catch myself thinking about how nice it would be to go back to Europe and study abroad in Greece: frappes by the sea, devouring innumerable gyros, learning about Greek history and mythology, and reminiscing…

China for the Whole Academic Year

Written by The Beijing Center on July 14, 2017

By Brian V., Gonzaga University, TBC Fall 2017 & Spring 2018 Student “A ship in harbor is safe — but that is not what ships are built for.” — John A. Shedd The idea of studying abroad for me dates back to sophomore year of high school. In Mandarin class, we were watching a series called…

China, YouChange’d Me – Internship Reflection

Written by The Beijing Center on July 14, 2017

By Prab G., Loyola University Chicago, Spring & Summer 2017 Student Me in the PRC I remember my first day arriving on the 18th floor of the Capital Mansion building in Beijing the same way I remember my very first day of school: eager, apprehensive, but also a strong intuition that I was out of…

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