The Anton library collections

Extracts of Two Letters from Father Gaubil, of the Society of Jesus, at Peking in China, Translated from the French

How the West Learned of China - Antoine Gaubil

Letter from Father d’Incarville, of the Society of Jesus, at Peking in China, to the late Cromwell Mortimer, M.D. R.S. Sect. (Philosophical Transactions, Vol. 48)

How the West Learned of China - Pierre Nicolas Le Cheron d'Incarville

Letter from Father d’Incarville, of the Society of Jesus, at Peking in China, to the late Cromwell Mortimer, M.D. R.S. Sect. (Philosophical Transactions, Vol. 48)

How the West Learned of China - Pierre Nicolas Le Cheron d'Incarville

Description of the Plan of Pekin, The Capital of China (from Philosophical Transactions, Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours, of the Ingenious, in many Considerable Parts of the World – Vol. L. Part II. for the Year 1758)

How the West Learned of China - Antoine Gaubil

The Chinese Traveller: Containing a Geographical, Commercial, and Political History of China (Vol. I.)

How the West Learned of China - Du Halde, Le Compte, and other modern travelers

The Chinese Traveller: Containing a Geographical, Commercial, and Political History of China (Vol. II.)

How the West Learned of China - Du Halde, Le Compte, and other modern travelers

Memoires Concernant L’Histoire, Les Sciences, Les Arts, Les Moeurs, Les Usages, &c. Des Chinois. Tome II: L’Antiquite Des Chinois

How the West Learned of China - Jean-Joseph-Marie AmiotLes Missionnaires de PekinPierre Martial CibotAloys Kao

Memoires Concernant L’Histoire, Les Sciences, Les Arts, Les Moeurs, Les Usages, &c. Des Chinois. Tome VI: De La Musique Des Chinois, Tant Anciens Que Modernes

How the West Learned of China - Jean-Joseph-Marie AmiotLes Missionnaires de Pekin

Faits Memorables Des Empereurs De La Chine / Abrege Historique des Principaux Traits de la Vie de Confucius, celebre Philosophe Chinois

How the West Learned of China - Isidore Stanislas Henri HelmanJean-Joseph-Marie Amiot

Faits Memorables Des Empereurs De La Chine / Abrege Historique des Principaux Traits de la Vie de Confucius, celebre Philosophe Chinois

How the West Learned of China - Isidore Stanislas Henri HelmanJean-Joseph-Marie Amiot

Description Generale de la Chine – Tome Premier

How the West Learned of China - Jean Baptiste Grosier

Description Generale de la Chine – Tome Second

How the West Learned of China - Jean Baptiste Grosier

Narrative of the British Embassy to China, in the Years 1792, 1793 and 1794; containing the Various Circumstances of the Embassy, with accounts of Customs and Manners of the Chinese; and a description of the Country, Towns, Cities, &c. &c, A

How the West Learned of China - Aeneas Anderson

Historical Accounts of the Most Celebrated Voyages, Travels and Discoveries, from the Time of Columbus to the Present Period (Vol. XI.)

How the West Learned of China - William Dordyce Mavor

Authentic Account of An Embassy from The King of Great Britain to The Emperor of China, An (Vol. I.)

How the West Learned of China - George Staunton

Authentic Account of An Embassy from The King of Great Britain to The Emperor of China, An (Vol. II.)

How the West Learned of China - George Staunton

Authentic Account of An Embassy from The King of Great Britain to The Emperor of China, An (Vol. III.)

How the West Learned of China - George Staunton

Journal of Mr. Samuel Holmes, Serjeant-Major of the XIth Light Dragoons, during his attendance, as one of the guard on Lord Macartney’s Embassy to China and Tartary, 1792-3, The

How the West Learned of China - Samuel Holmes

Voyage de L’Ambassade de la Campagnies Des Indes Orrentales Hollandaises, Vers L’Empereur de la Chine, en 1794 & 1795 – Tome I

How the West Learned of China - Andre Everard Van-Braam Houckgeest

Voyage de L’Ambassade de la Campagnies Des Indes Orrentales Hollandaises, Vers L’Empereur de la Chine, en 1794 & 1795 – Tome II

How the West Learned of China - Andre Everard Van-Braam Houckgeest