The Beijing Center

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the beijing center for chinese studies


Why should you come to China and TBC? Including Personal Interviews

Why should you come to China? You mean besides the diverse culture, beautiful atmosphere, and delicious food? Even with the incredible things China has to offer, many people are, understandably, hesitant to commit to it as their study abroad destination, whether due to the language barrier, political concerns, or being so far away from their family. I shared all these sentiments before committing and coming here, and these worries followed me all the way to the 14-hour flight that brought me to Beijing. However, after being here I realized what was worth worrying about and what turned out to not be a big deal.

ChinaContact: University of Hong Kong

In mid-March, a group of students and faculty from the MBA program at the University of Hong Kong embarked on a journey of cultural exploration through TBC’s ChinaContact program, starting with a tour to TBC. They visited various companies in Beijing, immersing themselves in the local work atmosphere and corporate culture.

ChinaContact: Universidad del Pacífico

TBC recently hosted a week-long cultural immersion experience for a delegation from Universidad del Pacífico in Peru. The delegation consisted of students and faculty from the Faculty of Engineering and Business at the University of the Pacific in Peru. One of the professors was visiting China for the second time, and his first trip during the 2008 Beijing Olympics left a deep impression on him. After 16 years, he returned and marveled at the great changes in China.

TBC Participates in the 2024 AmCham China Education Working Group Kickoff Meeting

Recently, TBC participated in the Education Committee kick-off meeting hosted by American Chamber of Commerce in China (AmCham China). The meeting focused on enhancing dialogue about education initiatives between the U.S. and China, bridging educational institutions from both countries, and uncovering potential collaborative opportunities with the business sector.

Yunnan Excursion Trip: Discovering the Naxi and Bai Cultures

In our previous article, we explored the rich tapestry of Yunnan’s Huayao Yi and Dai communities. Continuing our Excursion Trip, this time we journeyed to Baisha Village, home to Naxi culture nestled at the foot of the majestic Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, followed by an enchanting exploration of Dali, renowned for its Bai heritage.

Yunnan Excursion Trip: Exploring the Huayao Yi people and Dai people’s Ethnic Charm

Each year, TBC would take students to two Excursion Trips, one in Yunnan, and one in Silk Road, to explore China deeply. For students of Spring 2024 this time, after three weeks of arriving in China, they went on the excursion trip to Yunnan province in Southwest China. As China’s most ecologically and culturally diverse province, Yunnan offered the students an opportunity to delve into the rich tapestry of minority cultures, notably the Yi, Dai, Naxi, and Bai peoples. This expedition provided an in-depth look into the region’s history, culture, and ecology.

Fr. Antonio Spadaro’s Journey in China 

In December 2023, TBC (The Beijing Center) welcomed an old friend—Fr. Antonio Spadaro SJ, an Italian scholar, writer, and a key advisor to Pope Francis. He previously visited TBC in 2019, delivering an academic lecture on “Cultural Fusion in the World.” This time, TBC was honored to host Father Spadaro once again. 

Exploration and Transformation: Nabeeha’s Journey in China

Previously Pasheen, a fall 2023 student from the “Study Abroad” program, shared her spontaneous adventure in China. This time, in our ongoing series of interviews, it’s Nabeeha’s turn to illuminate her unique journey through the diverse tapestry of Asian culture.


Thankfully, everyone here is very nice and like anywhere else, some students are reserved and may not approach you first, but others will approach you first. You can choose to be the ones to initiate or not but either way finding something you guys can mutually do, like playing sports, is the first step. From there, friendships blossom.

Study Abroad in China: A Spontaneous Adventure

As the semester is coming to an end, we caught up with Pasheen, a Fall 2023 student from the “Study Abroad” program, who shared her challenges and adventures as a beginner in Chinese language and culture.