The Beijing Center

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On Friday, March 19, 2021, The Beijing Center (TBC) welcomed its Spring 2021 cohort of local Chinese freshmen. As we face the continued changing global academic environment, our American Pathway Program resumes hosting local students, allowing them to take relevant courses at TBC as they work towards transferring into an undergraduate degree program abroad.

As part of the students’ integration into TBC and student life on the UIBE campus, TBC held a welcome ceremony during orientation week, including staff introductions, welcome speeches, and a rundown of the semester ahead. During the ceremony, students heard speeches from TBC Executive Director Dr. Simon Koo, who expressed his excitement for their upcoming experience, followed by UIBE Director of Recruitment and Admission, Du Peiyuan. Director Du reminded the students to cherish this unique time at TBC and to enjoy their time living on the UIBE campus, reassuring them that following all rules and regulations will enhance their student life experience.

Meanwhile, the Student Life supervisors gave guiding instructions and information about TBC and the program, that will help them make a smooth transition. In the process, students received the necessary information and played a series of ice-breaker games to get to know each other better. The orientation weekend concluded with the students exploring the campus, settling into their dorms, and getting prepared for the upcoming semester classes and activities.

Founded in 1998, The Beijing Center for Chinese Studies (TBC) is a center of higher education in mainland China committed to fostering mutual understanding between China and other cultures through cultural exchange, education and research. What makes us unique is our placement in a long and storied tradition of Jesuit education, one that teaches us that true cultural engagement starts first with friendship.  

The American Pathway Program at TBC is focused and rigorous, designed for Chinese students who are interested in obtaining a bachelor’s degree in the United States. American Pathway students spend one to two years taking transferable courses at The Beijing Center while preparing themselves for their entry into university in the US. 

The Beijing Center continually works to establish articulation agreements with undergraduate institutions around the world to facilitate Chinese student transfers into bachelor’s degree programs. For more information on such agreements, contact us by email at or call +86-10-8415-8816.

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