The Beijing Center

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This week, TBC has come to the difficult decision to cancel the study abroad programs for Spring 2021 for students outside of China.

While the outspread in some countries (including China) has leveled out, the pandemic is far from over. Not only is the number of daily COVID-19 cases rising in many countries, including the US, but travel restrictions and entry/exit requirements are strengthening as well. In response, TBC upholds the ongoing health concerns and has made a conscious and carefully thought-out decision to prioritize the students’ health and minimize travel.

“Here at TBC, we have been closely monitoring the pandemic and the implemented regulations, and feel that the responsible action is to cancel the Spring 2021 study abroad program, to not only recognize the severity of the virus but to also promote public health,” Dr. Simon Koo, Executive Director of TBC.

To prevent further complications in students’ academic plans for the Spring 2021 semester, TBC decided to cancel the semester abroad program ahead of the November 15 application deadline. The decision is in accordance with many partner universities’ newly imposed study abroad restrictions, which will jointly allow students to plan their studies in time for next semester.

However, the decision does not apply to TBC domestic and virtual study abroad and cultural programs. To further students’ professional and academic pursuits, TBC offers alternative programs. Currently, TBC offers ChinaChat (Mandarin courses), the American Pathway Program (extended study abroad opportunity for US partner university students in Beijing), and the Virtual Internship Program (virtual internship at Beijing-based international companies). As the global education environment evolves alongside the pandemic, TBC’s programs will continue providing a unique Chinese culture and academic experience.

At this time, TBC is working with partner universities reaching out to prospective students to notify them of the Spring 2021 cancellation, and to assist them in their future return to TBC.

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