The Beijing Center


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Another semester has come to an end as our American Pathway Program students continue their studies at their respective US universities after a notable and eventful experience at The Beijing Center.

Beginning in Fall 2020, the American Pathway Program has been hosting Chinese students pursuing bachelor’s degrees from US partner universities. During their time at TBC, Chinese students working towards transferring to US undergraduate programs will experience western style teaching and gain the necessary credits that will support their direct admission into a US university. This academic and culturally immersive pathway program has also benefited students in strengthening their English skills, adjusting to US cultural aspects, and becoming international students with varying skills. In doing so, the program is coincidently helping bridge the interrupted flow of students’ ongoing education as a result of geographical constraints by providing an education reflective of US universities’ academic standards.

A defining aspect of the program has been to provide a holistic academic experience for Chinese students, offering various courses alongside supplemental local activities. This semester has been no exception, as students completed a full semester of transferable courses with a campus experience and new city moments. The class style also supports and eases students into their US education, as they follow a Western ideology with the Chinese culture embedded.

As Beijing has been slowly opening up to the new normal, students also had the opportunity to experience site visits as part of their coursework, learning about Chinese medicine and environmental ethics and sustainability. Outside of classes, students were able to join organized TBC events and field trips at Beijing landmarks to balance out their daily academic rigor. And after a final study session, the students ended the semester with a lighthearted KTV and delicious Chinese dinner get-together.

Having seen another semester of pathway students learning and engaging through an in-person university experience, we are eager to create new experiences with upcoming cohorts. 

Founded in 1998, The Beijing Center for Chinese Studies (TBC) is a center of higher education in Mainland China committed to fostering mutual understanding between China and other cultures through cultural exchange, education and research. What makes us unique is our placement in a long and storied tradition of Jesuit education, one that teaches us that true cultural engagement starts first with friendship.  

The American Pathway Program at TBC is focused and rigorous, designed for Chinese students who are interested in obtaining a bachelor’s degree in the United States. American Pathway students spend one to two years taking transferable courses at The Beijing Center, while preparing themselves for their entry into university in the US. 

The Beijing Center continually works to establish articulation agreements with undergraduate institutions around the world to facilitate Chinese student transfers into bachelor’s degree programs. For more information on such agreements, contact us by email at [email protected] or call +86-10-8415-8816. 

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