The Beijing Center

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the beijing center for chinese studies

For Parents



The decision to study abroad can be overwhelming for students and their families. At TBC, the parents/guardians and family members of our students are very important to us and we recognize that your support is crucial to your student’s success. We’re here to help guide you through every step of the admission process and preparation for your student’s departure to China!


It is understandable that as a parent/guardian you will have concerns about sending your student halfway around the world, we have prepared answers to some of the most frequently discussed Health and Safety concerns.


TBC students lead fast paced lives. Preview where they will be living what they will be eating, and the adventures they will experience in the Your Life in China section


Get straight answers to some of your most pressing questions, such as, ‘How will I communicate with my student while they are abroad?’ Click the link to access our FAQs page.


There are many advantages to studying in China: it is a diverse country both in terms of people and geography, it is affordable; a semester in Beijing is often less than one in the US, it is easy and inexpensive to travel around the country, and finally having knowledge of China and the experience of living there will make your student stand out.  China serves as a huge market for multinational corporations, and employers are looking for people with an understanding of China, Chinese culture and people.


As our world becomes increasingly globalized, employers are looking for graduates that have international experience. The resilience, mental strength, adaptability, and tenacity that comes with living, studying, and working abroad, are highly sought after characteristics in the job market. We encourage students to consider applying for an internship through TBC to have the opportunity to work in an international and multilingual environment, and put their language and job skills to the global test.


The Jesuit tradition of engaging with China is over 400 years old, and The Beijing Center carries on this tradition through holistically engaging with China. TBC is far more than the typical study-abroad program; it is a study China in China program. Your student will advance their skills in the Chinese language. They will take classes with many of China’s leading experts, professors, and practitioners in the country’s intellectual and political capital. They will observe the historical and cultural roots of Chinese society and commerce. TBC makes China accessible and provides an amazing study abroad experience for students who are ready for adventure and not just any study abroad program.


Even before students arrive in Beijing and are greeted at the airport, the Student Life team is working to create a supportive environment making housing and visa arrangements. Students attend orientation their first week, during which they will be introduced to their new life as they begin their journey. From monthly community meetings to one-on-one mid-semester check-ins, and a robust activities calendar, throughout the semester the Student Life staff provides a holistic, inclusive, and immersive student experience.


Once accepted, be sure to check out the Admitted Students section where there is information about how to get a visa, when to book airfare, and what to pack. Remind your student to check their email often for any updates, and join the discussions in The Community. Try not to get overwhelmed; be assured that we are experienced and happy to help!


Time abroad often begins with a honeymoon period during which students are excited to try, see, and experience new things. After facing realities such as settling into coursework, difficulties communicating in the local language, and unfamiliar societal norms students can feel uncomfortable, and may feel very far from home and support. It is important to remind your student to reach out TBC staff and peers, and that it is okay to feel uncomfortable at times.  Expect to hear a roller coaster of emotions- share in the excitement of the highs, and lend an encouraging ear for the lows. Your student is on a journey of resilience, independence, and confidence!


When it is time for your student to return, there is certain to be a mix of emotions. They are excited to see family and friends, and eat their favorite food. They have experienced so much in a short time, and they will likely not yet fully realize how their outlooks may have changed. Having lived in an international environment will have expanded their perspectives on topics such as politics and global affairs. Be prepared for “reverse culture shock.” It often catches students off-guard because they assume returning to the familiar will be smooth and comfortable, when it can actually be confusing and overwhelming. It is important for you to show interest, support, and understanding over the weeks and months of adjustment. Ultimately your child has grown, and it is understandable that there will be a few growing pains as they adapt back to their home culture. Encourage them to reach out to other students who have studied abroad and to international students that study at their home university. Remind them to get involved in their community and school so that they can continue to meet new people, and create new, meaningful experiences wherever they are!

“My son Conor went to Beijing for his 1st semester of his junior year and ended up staying for his 2nd semester. I was hesitant but after having travelled the world myself, I wanted him to experience that...”