The Beijing Center

the beijing center for chinese studies

for alumni

Alumni Stories

TBC’s alumni are a diverse group, and they work and study all over the world.

Where will TBC lead you? Our alumni go on to exciting careers – in every facet of society – and strive to make the world a better place. Alumni become humanitarians, social activists, academics, heads of states, comedians, journalists, business owners, doctors and lawyers. Our extensive alumni network provides mentorship and inspiration.

Some outstanding alumni

In alphabetical order

The TBC Alumni Book (2020), is a photo-based book representative of the past 22 years of TBC’s history, since its beginning. This alumni book deviates from a traditional alumni book by creatively projecting the TBC experience’s boldness and excitement. Intended as a coffee-table mainstay, this spread quietly incorporates Chinese cultural symbols throughout the themed designs while engaging each photo in the process. Each section displays a set of compiled photos representative of a specific TBC experience, with photos of TBC students, staff, guests, partners, educators, and friends. The themed sections include TBC from the Beginning, TBC Opening Ceremony, The Beijing Times, Student Travel, Service Learning, Silk Road Excursion, Yunnan Province Excursion, Internships, Chinese Roommate Appreciation, Student Photography, TBC Closing Ceremony, and Group Photos. 

Available now on Amazon here.

  • Designed and Edited By: Vukica Elenovska
  • Paperback: 114 pages
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 978-1733789936
My time at TBC gave me the opportunity to truly observe 21st century China. The Chinese nation is filled with a confidence & ambition that is infectious. It never ceases to amaze me how different China is from the image we see in the West.
Saeger Godson
Loyola University Chicago - TBC 2015-2016
This country is so beyond beautiful. The biggest lesson that TBC taught me is that only through thoroughly developing an understanding of Chinese culture and society can Western nations offer a helping hand in the looming environmental crises.
Anna Savage
Loyola Marymount University - TBC ChinaGreen 2016