Publications, Conferences, and Seminars from Anton Library

The Religious Philosophy of Liang Shuming, The Hidden Buddhist

Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2011

Confucius Sinarum Philosophus (1687) The First Translation of the Confucian Classics, Monumenta Historica Societatis Iesu, Series Nova, Vol. 6

Archives Concerning Western Catholic Missions from the Early to Mid Qing Dynasty in China 清中前期西洋天主教在华活动档案史料

Zhalan: Catholic Cemetery 栅栏:天主教墓地

Following the Footsteps of the Jesuits in Beijing, A Guide to Sites of Jesuit Work and Influence in Beijing

St Louis: Jesuit Sources, 2006, 120 p - Thierry Meynard

熙朝崇正集 熙朝定案

Zhonghua Shuju Press - Han Qi and Wu Min


Shanghai renmin press

A Woman’s Messenger 1912-1915 女铎


Social Sciences Academic Press - Zhou Pingping


Shanghai Renmin Press - Yin Wenjuan

Commissioned-Painting Documents of Western-Regions in Qing Qianlong Dynasty 乾隆西域戰圖秘檔薈萃

Records of a Pilgrimage to Heaven 朝天纪-重走利玛窦之路

Shanghai Guji Press - Dong Shaoxin, Liu Jingjing, Xu Guangtai, Wu Liwei, Thierry Meynard

Celebrating the 400th anniversary of Matteo Ricci settling in Beijing

In collaboration with the Ricci Institute and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, October 2001

20th National Catholic China Conference at Maryknoll in the United States

Maryknoll in the United States, November 2003

Consultation on the Present Opportunities and Difficulties for Chinese Scholars to Conduct Grassroots on Religious Practices and Beliefs

In collabaration with Renmin University and Ricci Institute, October 2003

International Colloquium on Teilhard de Chardin

Location: Beijing Languages University, September 2003

Second International Young Scholars Symposium on Christianity and Chinese Society

In collaboration with the Centre for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, December 2004

Literature and Archives of China Missionaries held in Beijing

In collaboration with National Committee for the Compilation of Qing History, October 2004

10th Ricci International Colloquium of Sinology in Paris

In collaboration with the Institut Ricci de Paris and Ricci Institute of the University of San Francisco, September 2004

TBC First Seminar on Christian Secondary Education. Week long course covering topics such as Roman Catholic Terminology and Oral History techniques

Seminar for Young Scholars at Huadong Teachers University, May 2005